Corporate Philanthropy
See How We Work, Serve & Help
We've designed this platform with a unique blend of digital empowerment and philanthropy. Our business model enriches work and soul; using our platform means we can make a difference together through the philanthropic efforts.
You get more of what you give to others. The satisfaction you feel after helping others is truly valuable. It's an intangible feeling of contentment that you truly experience by helping others in any way you can.
My father was a great philanthropist. Throughout my life, I have been inspired by his work, which led me to start the project "Infaq" by Canadian content creator Inc.
H. A. Tepha.
Monthly Financial Support
Since 2019 & Onwards
Since 2019, this platform is helping families in need of food and basic necessities of life. We are helping to fund adult learning programs so the families we are helping should not remain the same. We are working and helping to cover the cost to make them able to stand on their own so they can become capable of generating a monthly income for their families. Furthermore, you are welcome to join us on this project, be a part of this journey with us.
Let’s offer the world the best of us as human beings

Yearly Donations
Special Thanks to God, Esteemed Clients &
Team C3, without them it wouldn’t have happened
2022 Successful Donations, at Canadian Content Creator by the end of each year a certain amount of donation goes to Canadian Charity Organizations in order to serve humanity. We evaluate their mission and based on what we offer such appropriate donations that could serve them in the most fulfilling manner. This Years in 2022 we have provided donations to Habitat for Humanity. The purpose to show this effort is to encourage others in order to promote humanity. We believe each drop of help matters to those in need.
More Humanitarian Work is Yet to come!
2023 Donations
Palestine War Emergency
For this year’s donations, we have picked a Canadian registered charity organization named Islamic Relief Canada. Our top management has evaluated their efforts to provide humanitarian aid in Gaza. There are orphans, widows, old aged, and sick folks deprived of their fundamental rights, facing constant trauma and violence. More than ever, they needed our help. We are privileged by having the power to make a difference, which is what we did. To make it all happen, thanks go to God, esteemed clients, team C3, and Islamic Relief Canada; without them, it wouldn’t have happened.
See what Canadian Charity Organization says about C3

“It’s because of donors like you, Canadian Content Creator Inc, that we are able to extend our reach to millions of people all across the world. With your continued support, we can change even more lives and continue the fight against poverty.“
Donated Towards: Palestine Emergency Appeal,
Date: 2023-11-02
Thank you for your generosity!

Success Story
From a last couple of years our platform was helping this family by sending funds for adult education purposes. When they came, we did listen the whole scenario and guided accordingly. From day one our goal was very clear; to make them able to generate a decent monthly income. This woman with three kids started going for adult education programs. By the grace, blessing, or assistance of a higher power this platform was able to support her throughout her journey. And finally, she accomplished the certification, rented out a place to run a small business and now she is working and supporting the family finances on her own.
Praise be to the God
“I received support when I needed it the most. Last couple of years the financial support that I received made me able to stand on my own. I cannot explain what it means to me and my kids. Thank you very much for such kindness.”
Thank You ~ Mrs. Khawer Hadid
Disclaimer: At C3, the sole intention of exposing our corporate charity work is to encourage everyone to do anything they can out of the goodness of their hearts to serve humanity!